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English/Studying English

[2019.05.27] DAY 15


[2019.05.27] DAY 15

  • Jman's English 복습

[Small Talk]

I am going to go to Japan on June 5th

I am going to go to Japan on the 5th of June


  • In the past  예전에는
  • So many new terms are being made  많은 새로운 용어들이 만들어지고 있다


  • It depends on my mood  기분에 따라 달라요

  • 생각해본 적 없어요
    I never thought about it  /  It never crossed my mind

[문장 두 방법으로 작문하기]
그녀는 나에게 책을 주었다 (give)

She gave a book to me / She gave me a book


아버지는 내 여동생에게 차를 사줬다

He bought a car for her / He bought her a car


나는 어머니께 샌드위치를 만들어줬다

I made a sandwich for my mother / I made my mother a sandwich


나는 상사에게 메시지를 보냈다

I sent a message to my boss / I sent my boss a message


강아지가 나에게 펜을 가져다줬다

Dog brought a pen to me / Dog brought me a pen


[4형식 문장의 3형식으로의 전환]

  • 전치사 to를 쓰는 동사
    give, teach, tell, send, lend, show, write, bring, hand, offer, read, sell, throw, take

  • 전치사 for를 쓰는 동사
    buy, get, make, leave, find, choose, cook, build, order, call, spare, prepare

  • 전치사 of를 쓰는 동사
    ask, beg, inquire, require

[인포그래픽에 대해서 이야기하기]

Infographic is one of the ways that can show informations much more visually than only images or texts.

It is composed of content, visual and knowledge.


You can often see inforgraphics on the news.

And You can get a lot of information though graphs, maps, charts and stuff.


I can give people informations more effectively.

And It can show people informations easily and quickly.


'English > Studying English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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