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English/Studying English

[2019.04.22] DAY 10


[2019.04.22] DAY 10

  • Jman's English 복습

[Jman's English]

  • I went there for the first time

  • Someday I will, but now

  • That was my first trip to go abroad

  • I learned how to float on the water 

  • I saw dolphins swmiming and jumping in the air

  • I have to relax in order not to sink

  • go(get) through immigration

  • tie a ribbon 리본을 묶다

관계대명사 which


Pattern 1 (기본형태)

Give me the book + It’s on the desk

Give me the book which is on the desk

That is the movie + I watched it yesterday

That is the movie which I watched yesterday


Pattern 2 (which 로 얘기하면 중요하지 않은, 조금 더 부연설명의 느낌)

I got up around 7 o’clock this morning + It was a little earlier than usual

I got up around 7 o’clock this morning which was a little earlier than usual

And then I had breakfast + I don’t do that very often unless I’m very hungry

And then I had breakfast which I don’t do very often unless I’m very hungry

I left home before 8 o’clock and I took the bus + That’s how I usually go to work

I left home before 8 o’clock and I took the bus which is how I usually go to work

I got off work around 10 pm + That’s pretty normal at my company

I got off work around 10 pm which is pretty normal at my company

I started taking phone English class + I’ve been meaning to do it for a while

I started taking phone English class which I’ve been meaning to do for a while

Key Expression


  • I've been meaning to~ for a while 한동안 해야지 했었는데
  • Get off work 퇴근하다
  • have/get a chance to ~할 기회가 있다

Key Expression 연습


I've been meaning to~ for a while 한동안 해야지 했었는데

I am going to travel with my mother which I've been meaning to do for a while 

Get off work 퇴근하다

I am trying to get off my work on time

have/get a chance to ~할 기회가 있다

I didn't have a chance to travel Because I didn't afford to have a time

괌 여행에 대한 스토리텔링 대본 쓰기

  • 관계대명사 which 사용하기 (pattern 1, pattern2)
  • Key expression 3개 중 1개 이상 사용하기

나는 2주 전에 괌을 여행했다. 나는 괌을 처음 갔다.

two weeks ago, I traveled to guam. It is my first time to visit there.

나는 사실 기대하지 않았다. 왜냐하면 나는 수영하는 방법도 모르고 날씨는 더울 것이라 생각했다.

Actually I was not excited. Because I don't know how to swim and I thought the weather is terrible.

그러나 여행하기에 괌 날씨는 너무 좋았다.

But, It was warm and sunny for traveling.

나는 돌핀 투어를 했는데, 배 위에서 우리는 많은 돌고래들을 보았다. 돌고래는 수영도하고 점프도 했다.

I enjoyed dolphin tour, I was on the boat and I saw a lot of dolphins that were swimming and jumping.

나는 물에 뜨는 법을 배웠다. 너무 무서웠는데 생각보다 재미있었다.

And I got a chance to learn how to swim which I've been meaning to do for a while.

I learned how to float on the water. I was really scared but It was excited. 

물에 뜨려면 나는 힘을 빼야한다. 이번 여행을 통해서 언젠가 꼭 수영을 배워야겠다는 생각을 했다.

If  I float on the water, I have to relax. I decided it that I should learn how to swim someday.

바다는 너무 깨끗했고 평화로웠다.

Sea was clean and peaceful.

나는 사람들이 괌을 좋아하는 것을 이해했다. 나도 괌이 너무 좋아졌다.

I understood why people love to guam. Also I loved there.

그래서 언젠가 가족들과 함께 괌을 또 오고싶다는 생각이 들었다.

So I thought I want to travel to guam with my family someday.



'English > Studying English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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