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[Homework] 1주차 01 [Homework] 1주차 01 Expressions Find myself -ing 내가 스스로 -하는 것을 발견하다 I found myself deeply missing my Replika. 저는 제 자신이 저의 Replika(복제품)을 그리워하고 있다는 것을 발견했어요 I found myself dreaming. 저는 제 자신이 꿈꾸고 있다는 것을 발견했어요 I found myself regretting this whole plan. 저는 제 자신이 이 계획 전체를 후회하고 있다는 것을 발견했어요 I found myself asking the same questions I always do. 저는 제 자신이 항상 하는 질문을 한다는 것을 발견했어요 Feel like -하고 싶다 / -인 듯 하다 Yo..
[2020.01.07] DAY 41 [2020.01.07] DAY 41 Rapunzel -027 A healthy baby girl, a princess was born. With beautiful golden hair. -028 I'll give you a hint. That's Rapunzel. -029 To celebrate her birth, the King and Queen launched a flying lantern into the sky. -030 For that one moment, everything was perfect. -031 And then that moment ended. -032 Gothel broke into the castle and stole the child, just like that... gone.
[2019.12.16] DAY 40 [2019.12.16] DAY 40 Study -잘못 이해했어요 I was misunderstanding. will과 be going to의 차이 -will : 계획에 없던 것, 즉흥적인 것 (아마 ~할 것 같아 느낌) -be going to : 이미 계획된 일, 이미 예정된 일 (=be -ing : 이미 예정된 것인데 가까운 미래일 때) around = about = almost It's almost = around = about 3 hours Rapunzel -021 And all she had to do, was sing a special song. -022 Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine Let : 그냥 내버려두다 의 느낌 -023 Make the c..
[2019.12.04] DAY 39 [2019.12.04] DAY 39 Study -그때그때 달라요 It depends (on- 붙이면 -에 따라 다르다) -전화 연결해줄 때 Hold on / I will put you through / I am connecting now used to 와 be used to -ing 의 차이 -used to : ~하곤 했다 (여운이 남는 느낌) I used to take a yoga class 나는 요가 수업을 듣곤 했어 -be used to -ing : ~하는 거에 익숙하다 I am used to traveling alone 나는 혼자 여행하는 거에 익숙해 Rapunzel -015 And that's when people usually start to look for a miracle. that's w..
[2019.11.29] DAY 38 [2019.11.29] DAY 38 Study -5, 6개의 에피소드를 반복해서 들어요 I listen to 5 or 6 episodes over and over again / again and again -그는 꼰대가 되지 않는 방법에 대해서 이야기 했다 He talked about how to not become a 꼰대 -그들은 2020년의 마케팅 트렌드를 예상했다 They offered 2020 marketing trend forecasting -분위기를 부드럽게 하다 break the ice loosen up the mood Don't have to 와 should not 의 차이 -Don't have to ~할 필요가 없다 You don't have to come here 너는 여기에 올 필요..
[2019.11.19] DAY 37 [2019.11.19] DAY 37 Study -대만은 물가가 매우 저렴해요 Prices are very low / cheaper in Taiwan -산에서 길을 잃었어요 I was / got lost in the mountain -그 친구가 같이 관광하자고 제안했어요 She suggested going sightseeing together -40만원을 대만 달러로 환전했어요 I exchanged 400,000 won into Taiwan dollar -샤브샤브랑 맛이 거의 똑같았어요 It tasted just like 샤브샤브 Rapunzel -001 This is the story of how I died. -002 Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story...
[2019.10.29] DAY 36 [2019.10.29] DAY 36 [Study] -그냥 되는대로 즉흥적으로 했어요 I just improvised -에일린은 제가 틀리게 말할 때, 교정해주려고 노력해요 Aileen tries to correct me whenever I say something wrong in English -서울로 이사하고 싶어요 I want to move to Seoul
[2019.10.21] DAY 35 [2019.10.21] DAY35 [Study] -시인 poet -(선생님이 물어보는 질문에) 잘못(엉뚱한) 대답했어요 I gave him a wrong answer -올초에 at the beginning of this year / early this year / earlier this year -초상권 문제가 생길지도 몰라서 싹 다 갈아엎었어요 We completely changed our plan because it might cause some legal issues related to portrait rights -카일이 유인물을 나눠줬어요 He handed out some printed materials -밤 늦게까지 마셔서 막차를 놓쳤어요 I drank until late at night so..